Auteur | Ibelings, H. |
ISBN | 9789085066507 |
Uitgeverij |
Soeters Van Eldonk architecten 1995-2009Dialoge with people and places---The work of Soeters Van Eldonk Architecten always gives a buzz, and that is excactly what they aim for. For the first time an overview of their complete oeuvre of the last fifteen years is decribed and put into a new perspective. Soeters Van Eldonk Architecten, based in Amsterdam, are building already more than thirty years all over The Netherlands, and soon projects will be finished in Danmark as well. Their urban projects, like the Easter Harbour Area in Amsterdam, the inner city of Nijmegen or the Helicon Building in The Hague, are always noisy and discussed. Their motto is to be simple and to build on a human scale.The architects themselves describe the projects and the processes with a large amount of images. Architectural Critic Hans Ibelings is putting the architectural vision in to a context and Filosopher Hein van Dongen sees the work in the context of our urban life and all social aspect coming along